Bilete Suplimente VIP Macy Gray - 11 Jun, 20:00 - Arenele Romane - 365events
Suplimente VIP Macy Gray

Suplimente VIP Macy Gray

Arenele Romane , București
Wednesday, 11 June, 20:00

Buy Tickets

No. Tickets
Meet & Greet Package

Package includes:
Early entry into the venue
Exclusive preshow meet & greet with Macy Gray
Personal photograph with Macy Gray
8x10 photo (or tour poster); autographed by Macy Gray
Exclusive Macy Gray merchandise item
Official meet & greet laminate & lanyard
Limited availability

Only 30 tickets left

VIP Tour Package

Package includes:
8x10 photo (or tour poster); autographed by Macy Gray
Exclusive Macy Gray merchandise item
Commemorative laminate & lanyard
Limited availability

To redeem a voucher code, click here
Refunds are permitted with Flex-EnGarde insurance

Orice Upgrade este valabil doar cu bilet cumparat.