Bilete Cluj-Napoca: Lord of the Dance: 30th Anniversary Tour – Spectacol aniversar - 2 Apr '26, 20:00 - Sala Polivalenta BTarena - 365events
Cluj-Napoca: Lord of the Dance: 30th Anniversary Tour – Spectacol aniversar
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Cluj-Napoca: Lord of the Dance: 30th Anniversary Tour – Spectacol aniversar

Sala Polivalenta BTarena , Cluj-Napoca
Thursday, 2 April '26, 20:00

Buy Tickets

View seat layout
No. Tickets
VIP - EarlyBird
103.85 EUR8720 EUR
Platinum - EarlyBird
93.45 EUR7888 EUR
Premium - EarlyBird
87.20 EUR7055 EUR
Categoria 1 - EarlyBird
76.79 EUR6223 EUR
Categoria 2 - EarlyBird
62.23 EUR4766 EUR
Categoria 3 - Presale
45.58 EUR4141 EUR
Categoria 4 - Presale
35.17 EUR3101 EUR
Categoria 5 - Presale
24.77 EUR2060 EUR
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