Between July 9 and July 13, we are waiting for you in Costinesti, at the Beach, Please 2025 festival!
IMPORTANT! The minimum age to attend BEACH, PLEASE! 2025 is 14 years old. Minors between the ages of 14 and 15 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. The parent/guardian must also have a valid ticket to enter the festival.
All tickets are NAMED and NON-TRANSFERABLE. When purchasing a ticket, the full name of the attendee must be provided. If the attendee is unable to attend the event, the ticket becomes void, and the name on the ticket cannot be changed afterward.
ATENTIE! Varsta minima pentru a participa la BEACH, PLEASE! 2025 este 14 ani. Minorii intre 14 si 15 ani trebuie sa fie obligatoriu insotiti de un parinte sau tutore legal. Parintele/tutorele legal trebuie sa aiba, de asemenea, bilet valabil pentru a intra in festival.
Toate biletele sunt NOMINALE si NETRANSMISIBILE. In momentul in care se achizitioneaza biletul, trebuie completat numele complet al participantului. In cazul in care participantul nu mai poate ajunge la eveniment, biletul este nul, nu se poate schimba numele de pe bilet ulterior.